The atmosphere around us these days, in India, is hybrid one. Simply because board results are announced,  entrance scores are out. And for the majority(because of the sheer volume of aspirants and the success ratio being miniscule), it is disappointment. Which is surprising, because, the statistics of success in the entrances are well known. And what is interesting is earlier the preparation, meaning, preparation right from standard eight, the higher is the frustration.

The myth is preparing early on, will guarantee success in the entrance! In fact, students begin to understand the various disciplines of science and mathematics, from standard five. As they go up in standards, complexities of concepts go up. But since rote learning is so deep rooted in our education system, that the emphasis on illustrating concepts and strengthen understanding is less of a priority.

The result is the student’s real potential, real passion and real skill never comes out! Finer aspects of personality do reflect the skill sets of a person. It just takes an experienced eye or a tool like an aptitude test or a psychometric test to discover the success factor within an individual. With our lives become busier, time becoming scarce, everything going online, aptitude test has also gone online. So a career counselling session coupled with an online aptitude test done by an experienced professional does a world of good on the subject of career guidance for a student early on in their career.

Classic courses or new ones, they all demand a certain type of skill set and personality. Getting these analyzed early in the careers of students saves a good amount of investment of money, effort and hope of both the wards and their children. The basic math is, what after 12th, is 6 years of investment in studies for a career spanning 35 to 45 years. Similarly, what after 10th, is 8 years of investment in studies for a career spanning similar time lines. Every parent knows how to spend those 35 to 45 years. Either pull on with disdain, frustration or progress with passion and meet success.

Get pragmatic and go for an assessment of your wards, early on, rather than letting trends decide their careers irrespective of their natural talent and passion.